Advice and Caution on Avoiding Deer

by Jeff Dennings on November 16, 2014

There has been an increasing deer-auto collisions here in Michigan year after year. Most of these traffic crashes involving deer are happening between October and December. These accidents can lead to the deaths of human beings and deer, destruction of resources and property. They also leave many people with serious injuries and broken bones. It is therefore important for everyone involved to come together and solve this menace from occurring. A pedestrian, driver, hunter, government and the wildlife groups should play his or her role to avoid accidents and tragedies resulting from these collisions. There are a number of contributing factors and they include human fragmentation, urban population, deer density, time of the day, and exceeding the speed limit.
Last hunting season, fifteen people lost their lives and twenty others were left with serious injuries and broken bones when a bus they were traveling in collided with a deer crossing the road. The bus run off from the road after the driver lost control. It rolled and overturned. Some were trapped in between the seats of the bus. Thanks to a repair shop nearby that came with materials for cutting metals and prevented many from dying. The tragedy left the bus beyond any repair. It was left good for nothing. To prevent all this, we can look at what is required of all us.

More roads have been built through the wildlife habitats. This has displaced deer from their natural habitats leading to a rise in deer auto crashes. Whenever possible we should avoid building such kind of roads in wildlife habitats. In an event where a road happens to be built though, it should be well designed and fenced to prevent deer from running across the road. Areas which have fences along their roads register low deer-auto collisions. The road should also build in such a way that it does not affect the wildlife movement. This can be achieved through building underpasses and overpasses where they appropriately fit.

The vehicles using the roads where deer are witnessed should be fitted with deer whistles. The whistle sound is usually induced when a driver passes a certain speed. The whistle is able to scare away the deer. Another suggestion is that these roads could have additional road signs at specific points. This can include both temporary signs and active signs. This would make drivers more aware of deer crossing sections and better able to drive alertly and slowly. Deer migration and mating season usually runs from October to December. Their population increases in the spring season. Their herd can be a reduced as a way to reduce these collisions by allowing hunters to harvest deep. The public should also be made aware of this through the media and other channels.

Drivers, pedestrians and hunters have roles to play. A driver should not over speed and should be always cautious while driving along these deer prone roads. Hunters should avoid hunting deer close to roads and should a deer cross the road, should stop chasing it and don’t cross the road too. A pedestrian should also deter from chasing a deer should he or she spot it near the road. Use of UV Lights by the drivers on their vehicles and especially during the night helps to reduce these tragedies. Deer have the ability to see the ultra-violet light and will see the vehicle and move away. Drivers and motorists should also be keen when driving during night time. It is hard to see a deer crossing road at night than at daytime.

With everyone doing their own part, collisions with deer and automobiles can be reduced. Should you be involved in a collision with a deer, you can bring your vehicle to a reputable auto body collision repair shop for an estimate.

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